Badass Single People: Dozens of Books for You
Here are dozens of affirming and unapologetic books about single people and single life
If you think books about single people are all about dating and other ways of escaping single life, you are in the wrong century. In many nations around the world, more people than ever before are single, many by choice. They deserve affirming and unapologetic books about their lives, and at last, they are getting plenty of them.
Here are dozens of books for and about badass single people, organized into 8 categories. Included are links to the books, to reviews I’ve written of many them, and (under “also see”) to other essays I’ve written relevant to the themes of the books. Not all of the books that deserve to be mentioned are listed here, only the ones I’ve written about so far. (Some of my writings were published at Psych Central and are no longer available there.) I hope to continue adding to this collection. Deliberately excluded are any books with a “poor me, I’m single” mentality. If you liked the attitude of a previous Medium essay of mine, Writing single life: A manifesto, I think you will approve of this collection.
The books are listed in these categories:
· Single Life as Described by Social Scientists, Reporters, and Other Professionals