Is Searching for Love What Makes Us Human?

Bella DePaulo
4 min readOct 29, 2020

I was asked that exact question at conference celebrating cutting-edge thinking

A few years ago, when meetings of the minds could actually happen in person, I was invited to participate in a lively festival of philosophy and music, “How the Light Gets In,” in London. Featured speakers included a lot of famous people and me. I gave a talk, “Single people are doing so much better than you realized: Is it because they are free?”. I also participated in a debate, “Love, life, and being free,” with some very smart and accomplished people.

I was honored to be part of an intellectually exciting festival. My debate was just one of the many events. But I was freaked out by one of the questions we debaters were sent in advance and asked to address.

It was this: “Is searching for love what makes us human?”

Because each of us only had a very brief period of time to respond, I only got to make the first few points I had prepared. Here, though, I can share with you the complete text of what I would have said, if I had unlimited time.

My answer:

A question like this — based, I assume, on just the stingy, narrow sense of the word love as only romantic love — is startling. It suggests that people like me, who are not searching for romantic love, are somehow not…



Bella DePaulo
Bella DePaulo

Written by Bella DePaulo

“America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience,” according to the Atlantic. SINGLE AT HEART book is a gold medal winner.

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